Blogs and Blogging

You macartime-blogy or may not know that blog articles on your website help your SEO and give you engagement with your audience. It may not be a newsletter type post i.e. here is all the wonderful stuff we have been doing and aren’t we fab, it can also be personal reflections and observations, flagging up industry trends, giving free information, screaming about Brexit (that might get some response if nothing else does!… )

In effect you are just trying to gain exposure, get people talking and maybe just maybe; enough engagement to develop a relationship. That relationship perhaps would be, good standing in the community, a reputation for giving great information in your field or even generating actual sales.

Click here to see a blog for Cartime. Assuming your blogs are informative, fun and have decent content a video can up the connection level of all three levels and enhance the core messages.

The blog contained the video above made for PR Boutique to boost engagement.

PR Boutique generate creative, relevant and on-brand IdeasOur ethos is to generate creative content that is right for each channel and right for your brand/business, delivered in a time-considered way. We lead with PR, generating strong media coverage for your brand or business then make this content (and your budget) work harder by tailoring it to all free consumer channels and brand channels. This delivers a consistent message across all touchpoints, maximising your reach.”

Kirsty (pictured below) with Cartime MD Matt, is always looking for ways to make PR fun with new angles, even a header…


CAR TIME BURY owner MATT KAY filling one of his cars with childrens presents for the Hits Radio Christmas Mission, Matt donated money for every present he can fit in the car in 2 mins


A few different lengths of the video were cut to suit the attention span of the media channel used. For instagram and twitter and facebook you potentially want to use shorter versions and on your blog or YouTube channel the longer ones. You can always provide a link to the longer version from the shorter one so people can “drill down” for a deeper experience if they are hooked in, or have more time.

Video is great as it is more likely to be shared, brings out the personalities of people better than text.

So if you need some video content for your blog, email ( or give me a call 07831445102 for free, yes free! advice.


All the best for 2019, Brian Barnes MD.